From The Desk of Academic Dean
My Dear Students,
Greetings to you all!
I hope all of you are refreshed and ready to go as you begin your exam tomorrow. I understand that this is a trying time for all of us, especially for you all. We are left with no option but to make the best use of whatever facility available for preparing your future. The College will try to support you as much as we can. May I therefore urge each one of you to kindly be patient in these trying times and invest your time and effort, as you have always done, for your education.
Just a few reminders as you begin your Exam tomorrow.
- The office has tried to help and correct as far as possible but in case we have overlooked any, you are reminded to check properly your Official name and username in your Telegram profile and ID and correct (if any) mistakes before your Exam.
- Make sure that the question paper you receive is correct and meant for your subject before you start writing.
- Do crosscheck the page numbers and paper code before submission.
- Write page number in all your answer sheets and arrange accordingly.
- Submit your Answer Scripts through Telegram and Email in a pdf file (single file only) without password protection to the IDs given to you by the Senate
- Be mindful of the reminder from the Senate office that “No answer paper shall be accepted after 2.00 pm for the forenoon papers and 7.00 pm for the afternoon papers on the same day”.
- All hard-copy of answer books must be packaged with care, sealed and waterproofed. The Envelope must be super-scripted with the Course Code and Paper Title. Addresses are to be printed or handwritten legibly in a waterproof pen or wrapped with transparent plastic wrapper.
- For those who are willing can personally come to college to submit your hard copy of answer books. But be reminded that packaging should be done in the same way as sending by postal. The Office will keep a box outside the Administrative Building for you to drop your answer scripts. You can drop it after every exam or all the papers together on the Last day of your exam.
- Those who will be sending through the Postal service must make sure to keep the receipt securely for future reference in case there is any problem. The Sending and Receiving Address must be legibly written to reach the College without fail. The Receiving address should be – Trinity Theological College Post Box -168, Thahekhu Village Dimapur -797112, Nagaland.
- Please be reminded that you as a student is solely Responsible for completing the process of examination and sending answer books without any damage and tampering, within the stipulated time.
May I inform you that the office and the Faculty will always be available for you any time. So get back to us any time you have problems/confusion and do not make any mistake. Do not let your small carelessness and mistake cost you one year of your hard work and efforts.
Wishing you all “Best of Luck”
Warm Regards
Akatoli Chishi