Trinity Theological College
TTC library agrees on the saying “Without Library, what we have? We have no Past and no Future”. Indeed TTC Library stands strongly and effectively in imparting Theological Education to our students and others who come and seek for the knowledge.
Trinity Theological College Library has played an important role in enhancing and imparting the knowledge to students and members of the faculty and staffs. As any college library, TTC library maintains and provides a collection, which is relevant to the needs of the Faculty and students.

TTC Library is a full-fledged library. The general stack is arranged on the ground floor of the Library Block. It is fully air-conditioned to facilitate and provide conducive environment for the readers and to preserve the books from dust and heat. Temporary Reference & New Arrivals are arranged near the main counter where the circulation department is situated. All the reference books inclusive of Concordance, Theological Lexicon, Commentaries, Dictionaries and Encyclopedias are placed in the main reading room in the first floor. Thesis/ dissertations and other rare materials which provide primary and secondary sources to research scholars are also kept in the main reading room. Adjacent to the main reading room we have another reading room wherein periodicals, current magazines and newspapers are kept for research scholars both from the college and outside. Back issues of journals are bounded and kept. The second floor constitutes the primary reading room. Strict discipline and silence is maintained and the entire library is under the surveillance of the CCTV. The reading room can accommodate 250 readers at a time.

At present we have a collection of 17,340 volumes of important foundational books. Books and materials are classified according to the Dewey’s Decimal Classification System. Since the college offers courses in B.D and M.Th level we have carefully added books relating to the course offered and its syllabi like Old Testament, New Testament, Theology and Ethics, Religion, Pastoral Care & Counseling Etc. Our primary focus is on strengthening the books in all the departments. The Library also has a good collection of books pertaining to issues of North-East India and Nagaland in particular.
In 2011 the library system was upgraded with automation, i.e., computerized cataloguing, check-in and checkout, search, monitoring of patrons and stock reading. TTC library users also has access to thousands of e-books through our Digital Repository (Using Portable devices like Laptop, smart phones etc).
Library Committee
There is a library committee consisting of the Principal, Academic Dean, and the Librarian. Except on administrative problems, the librarian is authorized to exercise the power in the library.
Library Timings
Summer Timings:
Monday to Friday : 9:00 AM to 12:00 Noon
Monday, Tuesday & Thursday : 1:00 PM to 4:30 PM
Wednesday & Friday : 1:00 PM to 4:00 PM
Winter Timings:
Monday to Friday : 9:00 AM to 12:00 Noon
Monday, Tuesday &Thursday : 1:00 PM to 4:00 PM
Wednesday & Friday : 1:00 PM to 3:30 PM
Night study hours:
Weekdays : 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM (Summer)
6:30 PM to 8:30 PM (Winter)
During night study hours, use of musical instruments, practicing songs or engagement in any activities disturbing the study time is not allowed.
Membership Fee
The yearly library membership fees are as follows:
– For institutions and churches – Rs. 1,000/-
– For individuals – Rs. 500/-
Persons entitled to use the library:
a. The staff & students of the college.
b. The alumni of the college with membership in the Library.
c. Churches, institutions and individuals with membership in the library.
Library Rules and Use of Books
The courtesy of absolute silence is to be maintained at all times. Conversation and making any kinds of unnecessary noises in and around the library is strictly prohibited.
The following guidelines are applied for the use of Library books:
- Anyone who checks out the books shall be responsible for the safe keeping of the books and shall return it undamaged.
- Any person found mutilating, disfiguring, underlining or marking or losing books shall be required to replace the same. If the book is a part of a set or series and cannot be obtained in single volume the reader shall replace the series or pay the price of the books.
- Any students found taking out books without the knowledge of the librarian or in-charge will be penalized with a fine as determined by the administration, and also disciplinary actions will be taken.
- Books can be borrowed by a person for the prescribed number of days. Failure to return the books on the appointed day before 4:00 PM (summer) and 3:30 PM (winter) will be fined as prescribed for each book (on daily basis) or as determined by the administration until it is returned.
- All reference books will be used in the library only. The book must be registered with the librarian after use.
- Reserved books may be borrowed for overnight after signing in the reserve book register. The books must be returned the next day before 12:00 Noon failing which a fine as determined by authority will be charged per hour.
- Magazines, periodicals and newspapers are kept on the rack to be read in the library only.
- New arrivals shall not be checked out until catalogued and stacked.
- Books issued are not transferable without the prior permission of the librarian.
- Checking out and submission will not be allowed during night study hours.