Trinity Theological College


Nature of the M.Th Course:
The Degree of Master of Theology (M.Th.) is a post-graduate programme offered by the Senate of Serampore College (University). Responsibility for administering the programme is with the Academic Council under the over-all supervision of the Senate of Serampore College (University).


  1. It is designed to train candidates for teaching in theological colleges and also to prepare for advanced study and research at the doctoral level.
  2. To equip candidates with adequate academic tools and skills for critical and methodological reflection as well as creative participation in the diversified ministries of the church.
  3. To develop holistic knowledge and proficiency in candidates so that they may engage in independent and contextual research.
  4. To promote contextual, contemporary and inter-disciplinary perspectives which will help critique our own understanding of theology and develop an integrative, plural, diverse and holistic to achieve knowledge and thinking and deepen our understanding of spirituality.

Admission requirements:

The following persons may be permitted to register for the M.Th Degree programme of study:

  1. A person who has passed the B.D examination of the Senate of Serampore College in Second Class with B- Grade (52.5-57.4% and above) and obtained B Grade (57.5% and above) average in the cluster in BD Studies, including the optional papers, under which the branch of candidate’s choice is clustered.
  2. A person who has had a minimum of Higher Secondary Education (12th and equivalent pass) with B.C.S degree of Serampore College in II class (B Grade – 57.5% and above) will be permitted to register for the following
    M.Th Courses: in all the branches of Christian Ministry Cluster and History and Mission Cluster and Women Studies and Social Analysis of the Theology Cluster; provided they undergo one year full time ministerial exposure under the supervision of institutional/church heads. A period of exposure/Practical work of at least one year full time prior to admission to the M. Th programmes of the above branches, through the post-graduate college where he/she seeks admission and passes the qualifying papers
  3. ATA (India) accredited as Full Member College’s M.Div., degree holders with B Grade (57.5%) and above shall be eligible to register for M.Th. provided they write 9 qualifying papers and secure not less than B Grade (57.5%) and above. A maximum of two attempts shall be allowed in each branch. Candidates may choose to write only arrear papers or any number of papers in the second attempt.
  4. B.C.S. Degree holders desiring to do or to upgrade to the M.Th Degree should fulfill the following:
    Spend one year in an affiliated B.D. College doing all the courses of final B.D studies (preferably offering the M.Th. studies) to make up courses not done at the B.C.S. level, particularly the Language requirements as stipulated by the M.Th Regulations.
    Fulfill a minimum of six months of practical work as prescribed by the registering Institution.
    Students already engaged in the B.C.S course should complete the degree first instead of transferring to the B.D programme.

Criteria for Admission:

To qualify for Master’s program the candidates should pass three-part entrance exam conducted by the college.

  1. Departmental Written Exam: To test the applicants’ expertise in the intended area of study.
  2. English: to test the applicants’ ability to comprehend and communicate in the English language.
  3. Interview: To test the applicants’ ability in the intended area of study.

Admission Process:

  1. The results of the incomplete forms of the applicants will be withheld or rejected.
  2. The entrance exam is conducted as per the information given in the application form.
  3. The candidates are selected on the basis of credibility and eligibility in the entrance exam
  4. Eligible candidates will be granted provisional admission for the first year. During this period the student’s performance and commitment will determine if he/she is eligible to continue the course.
  5. A prospective candidate will be expected to produce his/her parent/guardian if the Board of interviewers is of the opinion that their presence is required for permission.
  6. During admission a student is expected to pay at least 60% of the total fees.
  7. Fees once paid will not be refunded for whatever reasons.
  8. Married students shall produce marriage certificates at the time of admission.

Internal Studies:

The M.Th Degree course is fully and wholly an internal study and students are required to stay on campus without any exception.

Medium of Instruction:

The medium of instruction and examination for the M.Th Degree course shall be in English.

Duration of Study:

  1. The M.Th Degree requires two years of full time internal and residential study in an affiliated post graduate college.
  2. The maximum time limit for completing all requirements shall be five years from the date of registration. However, extension of time to complete the degree beyond the stipulated five years is subject to the approval of the Academic Council.

The lay-out of the curriculum:

  1. a. Courses from the Branch ——————— 24 cr. hr
    b. Courses from other Branches —————– 4 cr. hr.
    c. Integrated Course —————————– 2 cr. hr.
    d. Study Methods ——————————– 2 cr. hr.
    e. Research Methodology or another Paper —– 2
    f. Teaching Pedagogy —————————- 4 cr. hr
    g. Thesis —————————————- 12 cr. Hr
    h. Optional Courses —————————– any number
    Total ——————————————– 50 cr. Hr + Optional Courses
  2. To qualify for the M.Th Degree a candidate is expected to pass a minimum of 50 credits (courses 38 and Thesis 12).

Examination and Evaluation:

The examination shall cover wider knowledge and the question shall cover also the wider areas of studies and perspectives. Students should be familiar with the issues and methodologies outside the prescribed curricula.
Examination for a 4 Credit paper shall be of 4 hours duration and 2 Credit paper shall be of 3 hours.

Trinity Theological College

P.O. Box. 168
Dimapur – 797112


03862 – 245386 / 245215
